Baragwi Muchagara, Washed, Kenya - Bright Club #5
Wow. WOW. Are we ever stoked for you to give this one a go. A perfect representation of our favourite elements of Kenyan coffee,
First thing's first, get your setup primed, and throw on some music we think fits the tone of this coffee. It's experimental, quirky, and large in scope - so naturally we figured Vibey, Chill Electronic tunes captured the vibe beautifully.
Ratio: 16:1
Dose: 18.5g
Volume: 296g
Temp: 98°
Pre Infusion: 55g, 45s
Brew Time: 2.5 - 3m
Tastes: Pink Lemonade, Jammy, Mosaic
Feels: Like you're wearing Ryan Gosling's awesome jacket from the movie Drive
Side: *Far Side
Origin: Kenya
Region: Kirinyaga
Factory: Muchagara
Farmer Co-op: Baragwi
Varietals: Batian, SL-34, Ruiri 11, SL-28
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1700-1800 masl
Fermentation: 16-24 hours under cover
Soaking: 16-18 hours
Drying Method: Raised Beds
Drying Time: 21 days
Importer: Apex Coffee
From Apex Coffee
Muchagara is named after a village in Kirinyaga county. Opened in 1959, this is the oldest processing factory in Kirinyaga. The area around this factory is known for its exceptional growing conditions, making the location of this centre ideal for smallholders around this area. It is part of the Baragwi FCS which currently has around 1700 member farmers. During harvest, smallholders in the area deliver ripe cherries to the factory for sorting and processing. A discpulping machine removes the skin and pulp of the cherries before they undergo a period of grading to ensure only the highest quality cherries get passed on. After a period of fermentation for 16-24 hours, the coffees are washed with clean water and soaked for another 16-18 hours to create that distinct crisp acidity unique to coffees in this region. Lastly, the coffee beans are covered and dried on raised beds under the sun for 21 days.